The New Orleans warehouse is operating for Will Call orders only. Please contact one of the following to schedule a pickup:
Dave Bourgouis (504) 621-7296, Jacob Williams (504) 915-5257, or Greg Palmer (504) 915-4883.

As a result of Hurricane Ida, our New Orleans office does not have power or phone communication. Please contact our Houston office at (713) 671-6061.
General Work Products

11 Ways to Keep Your Fall Prevention Program Alive All Year Long

The 2017 Stand‐Down may be over, but the Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction is year round! Here are some reasons to conduct fall prevention activities throughout the year to reinforce safe practices:

  • Jobsites are always changing and crews come and go –you may have many new workers present who were not around when you participated in the Stand‐Down in May.
  • Even if your crew did participate in the Stand‐Down, it’s easy to become complacent afterward. Scheduling activities quarterly or even monthly can re‐energize your crew and bring the focus back to the fact that falls need to be prevented.
  • If your jobsite does experience a fall – even if nobody is injured – workers may feel upset, anxious, and worried about their safety. Taking the time to perform an incident investigation and stopping work to re‐focus on fall protection policies and education can improve both safety and morale.

Click here to download the PDF to read the rest of the article.

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